

About Moose Almighty

This site is all about the views of myself and a selected few. If you don’t like what you see here or you are easily offended, then this site may not be for you. I suggest you go to Google and search for ‘Cat Pictures’. That may suit you better. By the way, there is nothing wrong with that, because as we all know the internet was invented for pictures of cats, and of course porn. Either way, you are going to get pictures of pussy.

Some of the content will be controversial (sometimes deliberately so) and if you agree or disagree with something, then post a comment. All decent comments that provide a reasonable argument, expressed in an educated way will be approved, even if, they are having a go at me. If you post an arsehole comment that has no basis in fact or humour, then you will be held up to ridicule.

Offence is perceived, so if we do offend it is your job to explain how we have done so, clearly and concisely. No rantings or ravings will be allowed unless it is done for the sake of humour.

WARNING If you can’t take a joke, or if you’re a Moron who takes himself or herself far too seriously, please leave this website immediately – you won’t like it!

Site Rules & Guidelines

We want people to place comments when and where possible. We want to engage with everyone. But, any comment that comes from a complete and utter ‘wank puffin’ will be deleted. On the other hand, if your comment is useful and/or funny it will be listed and we can engage in some proper banter.

We are always looking for guest contributors and if you have any decent articles or pictures to post please get in touch via the contact form.

About The Moose

I am a web designer/developer and internet marketer. I work all day, every day on the internet and found myself needing a release. Moose Almighty (and quality malt whisky) is my relief.

I’m not looking to become one of those influencer morons, I’m literally looking for a bit of fun and stress relief.

My stress relief used to be playing Rugby but now I’m too old, too fat and too bloody useless, and whilst alcohol is a wonderful substitue it’s just not quite enough.

You may notice that Chuck Norris is mentioned a fair bit on this site. There are a number of reasons for this as follows:

  1. He shares his birthday with my youngest daughter.
  2. Tight jeans and a beard, and is still hard as nails.
  3. Because it’s CHUCK!!

A Few Facts About Chuck

  1. Chuck Norris doesn’t read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
  2. Time waits for no man. Unless that man is Chuck Norris.
  3. If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble, you win. Forever.
  4. In the Beginning there was nothing … then Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked nothing and told it to get a job.

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